Friday, July 12, 2013

Asiana 214 - How About No Comment

"When you think about automation, it can do a lot, it can assist the pilots. But there are two pilots in the cockpit for a reason" - Deborah Hersman / National Transportation Safety Board, this week

"Tim, there is a trash can in the kitchen for a reason." - My mom, 1972

Anyone who has ever followed aircraft accident investigations since the birth of cable TV and the 24 hour news cycle should know exactly what NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman is doing, and its not just scolding. She is auditioning for her post-government job as an "expert" regarding air-accidents for MSNBC, Fox or one of the other chattering news channels.

There is really no earthly reason to comment or speculate on anything at this point. Volumes of facts are hidden now but will eventually be known. There may be pilot error or there may not. What is sure, though, is that partial conclusions and hints as to the reason for an accident made on a official basis and then repeated/interpreted/twisted by the media will be remembered forever. And that is a tragedy. Because those ideas may be dead wrong and the gift of technologies that lead us to the truth are more than compromised. They are corrupted- all for the sake of a quick answer.

Many months will pass before this accident is figured out. Good people will work very hard to come up with the reason for lives lost and damaged over the weekend. Soon enough, an extraordinarily safe industry will be made even safer.

But in the meantime, along with the victims, other good people may be harmed. Recklessly, because one government official in a highly responsible position wants to someday be another crash-expert-on-call with CNN. Our lawmakers will not stop this. The media, in it's unquenchable thirst for new information, speculation and conclusions, certainly won't either. Especially when those speculations come from the media's food source: the people we are supposed to trust who carry badges, sport large yellow letters on their jackets, and get to be the ultimate deciders of cause. Unfortunate behavior by people who hold the power to ruin lives as quickly as an airplane out of control.