Happy Birthday to my Dad!!!
His family and friends probably already know this, but my father loves a good blonde joke. Here goes:
Ted Baze once walked into an Austin Texas drinking establishment. He spotted a blonde sitting at the bar and started a conversation: "Hey, do you want to hear the best blonde joke ever?" he said.
The girl looked at him and replied, "Well, ok. But first you need to know that because I am sitting down you can't tell how tall I am. I am 6 feet 2 inches and was the kickboxing champion at my police academy class."
She then pointed to her right and said: "Do you see this blonde next to me? She is a good friend, is 6 feet 4 and is the body-building champion of North America." Pointing again she continued: "And do you see this blonde to her right? She is 6 foot 6 and is the mixed martial arts champion of the world."
My dad looked straight ahead as she continued: "So today the three of us are celebrating our graduation from the University of Texas here in Austin. We were on full-ride hair-diversity scholarships and graduated with degrees in recovering-blonde studies. Top three in our class."
The bar suddenly seemed quieter as the woman finished with this: "Now, mister. Do you still want to tell us your little blonde joke?"
My dad replied: "Nah. I don't want to have to explain it three times."
Happy 82nd, Dad.