Monday, July 11, 2016

Prison Bureaucracy

For those of us seeing more evidence each day that the world is wobbling a little further off it's axis, I give you the Prison Rape Elimination Act Compliance form courtesy of the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.

My wife travels for business very often. She provides sales support for a medical device company and was recently asked to visit a Pennsylvania Prison. Signing and returning this form was a condition for her to visit. It was required by Pennsylvania DOC.

That our penal system needs medical equipment should come as no surprise. We are a humane society and I see a great value in treating inmate-patients that will move outside the gates one day to reformed and better lives. If they need an exam requiring modern equipment, count me in support.

As for prison rape, I don't have much opinion on that subject except that it adds to the list of reasons why I stay on the law abiding side of society.

Think about the irony, though, of my wife signing a form and consenting to a background check that is supposed to prevent prison rape. Not a violation of her, but rather the prisoners she may be around.

If it makes the citizenry of Pennsylvania sleep more soundly at night knowing my wife will not rape anyone in prison, then please enjoy that more peaceful rest.

As for those of us in the south and west, we mostly have a different viewpoint on that issue.

Meanwhile another business deals with another nonsensical bureaucratic requirement. And our economy continues stuck in first gear.