Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Voting and Hitting the Jackpot

In a bid to boost voter turnout, Los Angeles election officials are considering some sort of lottery / cash prize system.

By participating in the voting process, citizens would be automatically entered in a contest to win money. Seems almost reasonable for a moment. But think about it. You would have to continue this process for every election into the future. Because if the incentive ever went away, a community would be right back to the same old problem. Maybe worse, since you could see even more voter cynicism at the thought of a prize or monetary incentive that "used to be there, so why bother now?"

And if it is truly a good idea, why stop with voting?  How about a prize incentive to promote the civic responsibility of filing a tax return?  Or jury duty?

Voting is an important right and responsibility. It's made much easier in my community through mail-in ballots. Choosing through voting is not the same as filling out a lottery ticket at the convenience store. You're already a winner every time you turn in a ballot.