Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Movie 'Gravity' Reviewed, with a 5g Spoiler Alert


George Clooney as Danny Ocean Buzz Lightyear? Sandra Bullock as Ripley without a bad-ass alien-killing gun but still in some nice booty-shorts? Round and round and round and round, tumbling spinning where is my barf bag weightless shots I remember from '2001 A Space Odyssey?' A conclusion where just about everyone and everything is lost (including Facebook) except for Sandra and her shorts?

At least in 'Apollo 13' the music was dramatic and the wives fought back tears as their boys plummeted back from space. But those were 1 g tears in Ron Howard's excellent film and I guess I'm supposed to be more than impressed by the effect of Sandra's weightless blubbering. An Academy Award nomination for her? Seriously? Is this still the 'we feel sorry for you over your choice of tattoo-boy Jesse James' effect?

What is all the fuss and hype about 'Gravity?' Great special effects. Really, amazing. But so is my iPad. There is simply nothing else there. I mean, you know she won't run out of oxygen thirty minutes into it, right? And - after months of training, then being launched into space together, how does Clooney's character wait until the space walk to ask his pretty space companion if she is married? I've heard of single guys playing it cool and detached, but that's gotta be a record.

Actually, now that I think about it, no one I know recommended this movie to me. I got suckered in by the commercials and so-called critical acclaim.

Want to see a good movie? American Hustle. Definitely.

Check out this youtube video for the best summary I've seen of 'Gravity' and yes, it too deserves extra SPOILER ALERTing:
